There are virtually millions of animal lovers around the planet and a significant number of them keep dogs as domestic pets. The point to note, however, is that few dog owners are aware that the health of their families is, in a way, inextricably linked to sound dog health. Here is some useful information on good dog health care, for those who may already own one, or, those who do not but intend to. If you count yourself among either, read on. Regular check-ups are the key: As any qualified veterinarian will tell you, this constitutes the very basis of good dog health care. Periodic check-ups can reveal whether your dog may have rabies, tumors, or any viral, bacterial, skin, fungal, heart, gastrointestinal diseases, etc. As the saying goes - 'prevention is better than cure' - this also holds true to avoid any dog health problem. Preventive treatment should include such imperatives, e.g., vaccination, dental care, parasite removal, etc. This will ensure that your dog enjoys good health at all times. Moreover, this is not just a commitment to your family's health but one that will also contribute to good public health. Good nutrition is a healthy choice: Another important factor to ensure all-round, dog health care is good, balanced nutrition. Keep in mind, feeding your dog with little scraps of leftover food at the table, is not good and must be avoided. Your dog's diet should include an adequate mix of nutrients, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. Avoid overfeeding, as this can lead to obesity, a dog health problem that is common and growing in several western countries. Another critical factor to ensure good dog health is to avoid such food that may contain toxic ingredients. Do consult with any qualified veterinarian who can guide you on what dog foods are dangerous and those that are not. Sound reproductive health is wealth: This doesn't just apply to humans but also plays an important role in total dog health care. Spaying (a term applicable to female dogs) or Neutering (applicable to both, but particularly males), is primarily a sterilization process involving the removal of the female's ovaries and uterus or the male's testicles. This is usually recommended by all animal control agencies or such organizations as ASPCA, when dogs are no longer needed for, or capable of, breeding. Apart from ensuring good post-sterilization, dog health, this will also help to avoid unwanted puppies. All-round hygiene keeps dogs happy: Nothing will make your dog happier than to be free of parasites, e.g., ticks or fleas. Such parasites can also cause a dog health problem. Dogs free of ticks or fleas are also free of stress as well as more comfortable and relaxed. Therefore, make sure to bathe and shampoo your dog regularly, while also removing parasites. You can find good animal hygiene products at any medical store or supermarket near you. Lastly, in addition to the above, there's another critical aspect that can also contribute to good dog health care, and that is humane treatment. If you treat your dog well, he or she will show it in many, many ways. Look closely, you'll detect that smile, you'll see those ears fold back and a vigorously wagging tail. After all, it's not for nothing that dogs have proved to be "man's best friend".
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